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Youth Leadership
Beautiful People Giving Organization believes in our youth. We understand the feelings and emotional stress that the youth may face in today's society and that is why we come together to make sure each kid has guidance and support. We realize the importance of being able to answer their calls because sometimes they just need someone to talk to. More importantly, we teach them the true meaning of love and support. We not only help them to go to prom but we help them to go to college and we stick with them no matter what.
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Coming together to help the homeless
What makes Beautiful People Giving Organization so special is that we come together to help those in need no matter what our own situation may be. We don't believe in just waiting to the end of the year to have the giving spirit. With Beautiful People Giving Organization we believe giving should happen 365 days of the year. You don't have to be rich to give you just have to have a heart to want to give.